Lent 2016 - Faithful
Source: rcadc.org
Welcome back Kali!!! It's been a cool little minute since I've actually written a post for SheReignsKali.com. This website went through several changes over the past six months. Before I graduated from my Master's program I had this elaborate plan of a dope re-launch of SheReignsKali.com that would included videos, Not Another Thinkpiece editorials, interviews, Nerdstradamus' Sneakerdom reviews and et cetra. But life happened; my plans and the Most High's plans were not mutually exclusive and I had to take some "me" time. I still curated content every once and awhile, but not to the extent that I preferred. On this soul searching and refocusing of the SheReignsKali brand, and the slow motion development of the We, The Creatives brand, I started 2016 with one resolution in mind which is to be more faithful in all aspects of my life and career. I tell people to "stay undaunted" but there were several times that I did not heed my own advice.
My favorite line from Idlewild, yes Outkast's Idlewild, is "God don't make no mistakes" and I swear before cheese and crackers every time I was having one of those "can I just get back in my bed, watch The Boondocks on Netflix until I fall asleep and start over again tomorrow" type of days, Pandora will play Common's "Faithful". Never fails, the message was always on time. Now 'Be' was a pretty dope album, kind of makes you forget about 'Electric Circus'. Okay, not really. The John Legend & Bilal overlapping bridge of "I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be so faithful" was a constant message whenever the dark clouds of stressful anxiety tried to block my light. The bridge and my New Year's resolution lead me to my Lent observance. Though I do not practice a certain religion nor consider myself to be religious, I was raised in a non-denominational Christian household with Baptist parents (long story, one day I might write about it) I have been observing Lent consistently for over ten years. Normally I would refrain from coffee, Coca Cola, tea, food, and swearing. This year I made the decision to abstain from social media and certain gossip blog sites and really focus on being more faith-filled and faithful.
There was two separate yet similar in messaging that lead me to my 2016 Lent observation . The first event was from Pastor Murray's sermon this past Saturday. "Exercise your right to forget. Forgetting those things that are behind you... Be fearless when you trust God." Again, the bridge from "Faithful" immediately came to mind. The second event happened on Fat Tuesday (the pre-Lent tipsy-drunk day for some), I had a misunderstanding or miscommunication with someone I really & truly adore and enjoy their company & presence. After coming down off my petty note pedestal, another message came to mind "Consider the ant..." I have truly let important things/ideas/passions sit on the wayside instead of pursuing them dauntlessly like I did before. Next thing I know, I had logged out all my social media accounts, deleted the apps off my iPhone and the passwords out my autofill queue. No more Instagram, Twitter (now I have to blog more if I am going to be ranting), Snapchat or Facebook. No more FunkyDineva, LoveBScott, MadameNoire or the main source fairy tales & fallacies, MediaTakeOut. My goal for this Lent is to continue on my journey to be more "Faithful", to be less lax on my passions and truly forget the entities that are behind me.
Until next time... *besos* L.A.
Originally Published on February 11, 2016