The Morning After...
Source: Jim Lo Scalzo / EPA
I know it is not Thursday Back Thursday or Flashback Friday. Let's call this Talk About It Tuesday. These words were written on November 9, 2016 after the current administration “won” the highest position in the United States.
I had a feeling I would wake up to a Republican-controlled Congress and a despicable male as President. So, when my alarms go off at 7:00 am and I scramble to cut them off, my prayers for a miracle were rapid-fire. I checked trusty ole Google and confirmed my anxiety-filled paranoia. Looten Plunder won the presidency of these "United" States and my head began hurting. I started wondering if it was too late to call in sick. I needed a mental health day. The thought of walking my unapologetically Black ass into a corporate "creative" studio increased my anxiety. Crafty, very crafty was my secondary thought. My primary thought was a majority of my immediate family members who live in those red states. I begin to worry. Mom is in Montana, Dad is in Mississippi with the baby brothers and nieces, my second in command is on a military base, the lady I love the most in North Carolina and my headache worsens. The issues I am for, like affordable healthcare, education, economy, civil liberties, Looten Plunder and bloody red Congress are against and have plans of either disruption or destruction. America is so male dominated, not asking for directions, knows it all but nothing at the same time, always in their feelings, "we're not racist", afraid of progressive change backwards country. It's hella embarrassing to admit that I am a U.S. born citizen. Today I am going to take a self care day. I am going to put on my headphones and ignore the comments from crafty and disingenuous folks who would like to bait my unapologetic Black ass into a discussion about the new president. All hope is not lost, have faith in the unseen, there's a blessing in this hard (well deserved) lesson that is the mantra for the next four years. The elections in 2018-2022 will test and strengthen every person of color, every person labeled poor or middle class, and every marginalized person. No one wanted "another politician" in office so they elected a joke. 😔 Keep the faith good people. Be your highest self. Insh'Allah.
According to, there are a total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress up for election on November 6, 2018. The breakdown is 33 Senate seats and all 435 House seats. The U.S. Congress is not the only entity one should pay attention to. There are 36 states that will be holding gubernatorial elections this year. The state of Georgia, as well as America, may have the first African American woman as Governor if State Representative Stacey Abrams wins after the state votes on May 22, 2018. Compton Mayor Aja Brown hopefully will run for Congress to represent California’s 44th district which includes Compton, Long Beach, and Watts. Malcolm X once said “usually when people are sad, they don’t do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they are angry, they bring about a change.” If we want things to change, we have to elect officials, judges, mayors, representatives, senators, sheriffs, or city council members who best represent the issues that matter and are willing to do the work, not issue platitudes.
Originally Published on March 13, 2018