In the State of I Don’t Know
According to Jessica Lanyadoo of, “It’s OK to be imperfect, to not know what comes next, and to have mixed feelings about it. Don’t be so quick to find the answer that you rush past the process.”
For now, in good faith, I am accepting things as they are in the present moment and journeying through the process.
First Quarter 2017 GONE #IRL
For me, 2017 come in pretty chill way. I did not do anything major for New Year's Eve. Simply laid in my bed with a glass of white sangria (yes, I know it's Winter) and watched Netflix. I have accepted the fact that I have reached "Official Adult" status where my Friday nights consist of my Raiders blanket, Kivik sofa, and Comcast. It's fine. No one tells you as a child that adulting is challenging and sometimes draining. Naps are lovely rewards that I did not appreciate as a child but now look forward to as an adult. Life is good. I cannot really complain…
The Girl Who Has No Idea What to Write #Adulting
Yeah, so, I do not have an idea for this blog post but I still wanted to post something for my challenge…
For the Passionate Chica with Hidden Talents On Pause When Adulting Gets in the Way
Recently I realized that I have become very lazy and comfortable in my day-to-day routine of going to work, coming home and chilling like a villain. While the routine was making the logical left side of my brain super happy, the creative right side was going insane…