For the Passionate Chica with Hidden Talents On Pause When Adulting Gets in the Way
The Plateau
Recently I realized that I have become very lazy and comfortable in my day-to-day routine of going to work, coming home and chilling like a villain. While the routine was making the logical left side of my brain super happy, the creative right side was going insane. On top of this conflicted complacency, I realize that I do not finish projects that I started. Yes, I will admit this. *kanye shrug* c'est la vie. The number one excuse is that I’m tired from all the work I did during my matriculation through my accelerated graduate program. *blank face emoji* I rolled with this excuse until I realized that it was one year since my graduation last May. I had to tell myself the truth, a rude yet real pep talk with myself that went like this:
Self: WTF are you doing with your talents?
Me: Excuse Me? *clutches pearls*
Self: No ma’am, do not clutch your pearls, girl. Every Monday through Friday you go to your place of employment, serve lackluster performances of emotions because we both know you DON’T care.
Me: I care…
Self: You don’t even sound convincing. You come home, work out, cook dinner…sometimes, get on your computer and watch hours of Netflix or YouTube. Un-damn-productive. It’s time chica to get your [expletive] and put in THE work
Me: I’m tired when I get home.
Self: Bull[expletive]. You cannot complain about your life if you are not working to make it better. Do the work.
Me: Fine.
Self: Don’t say fine and continue to stick to your routine. You’re quick to give someone else advice on how to further their online presence, brand or career but fail miserably to utilize your own advice.
Me: True.
I have achieved a number of major goals, reached a peak then made camp on the plateau. Half of me was happy and comfortable while the other half was like there’s more to climb, VAMOS!!!
The Decision
Okay, so my internal conversation was not exactly like that but that’s a synopsis of the battle the left and right sides of my brain have within my mind. As I was laying on my couch, halfway watching an episode of House of Cards, I was on Pinterest scrolling for home storage ideas when I made the decision to challenge myself as I did when I decided to enroll in an accelerated online graduate program. Imagine taking a two-year Master of Fine Arts program in 12 months, each month being a new four-week design course with a posting schedule of every Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. If I was able to do that, in addition to working full-time, then I can, for sure, commit to a blogging schedule, right?. Negative. I had a major end goal, obtaining my MFA, as well as minor end goals, graduating magna cum laude, top three in my program and as salutatorian of my program. Granted, I accomplished three out of four goals but I was .03 away from that salutatorian spot. What would be my end goal of this new challenge?
Homie: Why don’t you share your work, well your writing. You pay for a website that you don’t really use.
Me: o_O True. (again) New challenges. I can do that.
The Challenge
Here I am. Ready to put in the work and share my work. For the next thirty days (this is late) starting August 1st, I will post a new blog every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I thought about doing VEDA but honestly, I am not going to be able to record, edit and post a video every day in August. Introduce a few new things like #ToThe9, recipes, restaurants and reviews. The challenge is to be consistent and produce quality content for, to push myself regardless, and stop being comfortable. So, let's get it...
Until next time... *besos* L.A.
Originally Published on August 2, 2016.